Click on the Manage Vouchers Sets and you will be directed to the Voucher Sets main page. The first thing you will see is a list of all the current Voucher Sets:

- La columna Nombre muestra el nombre actual del Conjunto de Vouchers.
- La columna Tipo column shows the voucher set category.
- La columna Estado column shows if the Voucher Set is Activo o Pendiente de activar.
- La columna Publisher shows the name of the user/admin who has created the voucher set.
- La columna Fecha de Inicio is when the voucher codes will start being available for distribution to end-users.
- La columna Fecha de Finalización is when the voucher codes will stop being available for distribution to end-users (usually matches the voucher codes expiration date).
- La columna # Asignados column shows the number voucher assigned to users.
- La columna # No Asignados column shows the number of vouchers available for assignment.
Para Buscar for existing vouchers, type the name of the voucher set, or a part of the name, on the search bar input field and click on the Buscar .

Los resultados serán mostrados abajo:

To view all voucher sets again, click on the Magnifier right of to the search bar.
Creating a new voucher set
Voucher Sets are useful to upload and manage “pools of voucher codes”. Once available from a Voucher Set, voucher codes can be allocated to downstream partners and/or distributed to your internal users using the Voucher Campaign functionality.
To create a new Voucher Set, click on [ + ] plus button on the upper right corner of the screen then click on Create New Voucher Set.

Create tab
Completa la información requerida.

- Select the Tipo of the Voucher Set:
- Local Vouchers allows you to create a set of vouchers that can be assigned to internal groups and/or users within your organization.
- Ecosystem Vouchers allows you to create a set of vouchers that can be assigned to users outside of your organization (e.g. partners, customers…).
- Write the Nombre of the Voucher Set you are setting up.
- Select a Start Date, meaning when vouchers will start being available and distributed to end-users
- Select an End Date, meaning when vouchers will stop being distributed to end-users
- Select the Voucher Set’s Publisher
- Set the maximum number of vouchers per person
- Write a description of the Voucher Set if needed
- Haga clic en Guardar
After clicking on the Guardar button, you will see two new tabs:

Upload tab
In the Upload tab you will be able to add new voucher codes to the voucher set.

Click on the plus button and then click on Upload Vouchers.
Aparecerá una nueva ventana emergente en la que podrá cargar un archivo Excel con los códigos de vouchers que se asignarán a los usuarios.

Haga clic en Browse… if you already have an existing file, otherwise click on Download Import Template, and open the Import Template in Excel to fill-in the list of Vouchers for the Voucher Set. Make sure to keep the first cell (A1) called “Voucher #” (this is the field header).

Save the document and close it. Return to the pop-up window, select your file and click on Upload.
If everything is fine, a confirmation message will appear telling you that the vouchers have been successfully uploaded.

Cierre la ventana emergente y ahora debería ver los Códigos de Vouchers en la lista.

Voucher numbers should appear under the Vouchers column along with the following blank columns: “Expiration Date,” “Target Node,” “User Email”, “Estado” and “Assigned Date“. The columns are blank as the status of the Vouchers are unassigned. These fields will be filled when the vouchers are assigned to the users.
Allocate tab
La columna Allocate tab allows you to distribute quantity-based vouchers to different nodes connected to your organization.
Note: Remember that this tab will be enabled only if the voucher set is ecosystem type.

- Target Node allows you to select the node to which you want to assign a certain number of vouchers
- Voucher Quantity is the number of vouchers to be assigned
- Remaining is the number of available vouchers
Once the vouchers have been distributed, they will be listed in the table below.
Opciones de Conjunto de Vouchers:
On the Voucher Sets main page you will see that each Voucher Set has another menu containing more options. You can click on the “three dots” button to display more functionalities on the existing Voucher Sets.

Haga clic en Editar and you will be directed to the Set-Up page of the Voucher Set you clicked on. Use this option if you need to edit the details of the Voucher Set. (Note: You can only edit a Voucher Set if it is inactive. To make the desired changes, you must deactivate the Voucher Set first).
Haga clic en Desactivar to disable the Voucher Set if it is activated. This will prevent users from receiving the vouchers contained in a particular Voucher Set. After clicking on Deactivate, the status of the Voucher Set will change to Pending.
If a Voucher Set is deactivated, instead of a Desactivar button you will find an Activar button. Click on it to enable the Voucher Set again once you are finished making edits. This will allow users to receive the vouchers contained in the Voucher Set again. The Voucher Set’s status will change to Active.
Haga clic en Eliminar to delete the Voucher Set from the platform. This action cannot be reverted so make sure you want to delete a Voucher Set before proceeding. A warning box will appear asking if you are sure. Click on Ok to confirm your action.
View Report
Clicking on View Report will direct you to the Voucher Set Dashboard of the selected Voucher Set. You will be able to see the Voucher’s reports and data. This section will be explained later. To return to the Voucher Sets main page, click on the inicio icon on the top right corner.
Cargar Datos de Resultados
TIDWIT lets you upload the results of voucher redemptions that took place outside the platform to consolidate and visualize all the information in one place. For example, you can upload data from examinations that resulted in Pass/Fail and view the report on the Voucher Dashboard. If you want to upload a document with information about the results of the assigned and redeemed vouchers, go to the Voucher Sets main page. Then on the upper right corner click on More…

Upload Results
Then click on Upload Results and a new window will appear.

Import Template
Follow the given instructions to create a new file or you can click on Download Import Template to download a file that already contains the required fields. You just have to populate the information fields.

Save the file and go back to the TIDWIT platform. Click on Browse and select your document. Click on the Upload button. A confirmation bar will show up. Click on Close.
The results are now uploaded. To see them, click on the Panel de Control de Vouchers button located on the upper right corner of the Voucher Sets main page.