Is Ecosystem Computing the Next Frontier of Digital Transformation?

Are Ecosystems Socializing the Cloud

Will the next digital transformation frontier be ecosystems computing which socializes cloud computing and drives its use beyond the organizational “walls” to its natural next frontier—that of the entire ecosystem? A decade or so after the inception of the Internet, most users remained somewhat silo’d and isolated from one another. Sure, they could email one […]

Ecosistemas Dinámicos Versus Estáticos

Over the past couple of few years clear differentials have emerged between two types of business ecosystems: Static ecosystems and dynamic ecosystems. This blog tries to explain the difference between the two and the strategic implications that need to be considered in their deployment. From one dominant player who distributes knowledge… Static ecosystems are usually […]

Ecosystem Lessons from a Lost City

“Dad, we should go and visit the Lost City,” my son had suggested. “Oh, I don’t know if I’ll have time for that. Too busy!” “They say it is one of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the world,” he added, emphasizing ecosystems. He knew how to capture my interest. ‘What better teacher on ecosystems than nature […]

The Future of the Training Industry Is the Ecosystem

Training providers have been around since the early days of the PC revolution some four decades ago. As computing began to spread, organizations around the world needed to teach people the basics, from how to program and calculate using a spreadsheet to how to network and maximize the use of the emerging computing tools. Generally, […]

Overcoming Ecosystem Data Gaps

One of the most common pain points we hear from our ecosystem customers when we first meet them is: “We don’t have enough data or insight with our partner enablement to make proper business decisions.” What is most interesting about this concern is that we hear it from some of the largest tech companies in […]

The LMS and Enablement Networks: A Match Made in Heaven

Learning Management Systems (LMSs) have been around since the late 1990s and their goal is to help make sure an organization’s learning and readiness meet their overall objectives. LMSs are often closely aligned with Human Resources systems; and with the advent of the cloud, many have become part of the digital transformation strategy preparing personnel […]

The Optimal Partner Experience

In many conversations I have with Partners of all sizes, I am often faced with the following question: “We have built our Partners an amazing portal with the best Partner Experience, but they will not visit it, and instead complain that it doesn’t meet their needs! What is an optimal Partner Experience when considering an […]

What Vendors don’t know About their Ecosystem Hurts Them

I often ask the vendors I talk to a simple question: How many people within a specific partner’s ecosystem do you think you have enabled? Interestingly, not a single vendor I have ever asked has been able to give me a straight answer. A quizzical look is often follow-up by a guess, which is surprisingly far off from […]

ISVs and Multichannel Ecosystems

In a recent conversation with a friend who happens to be a CEO of an ISV, he described the difficulties that he has dealing with a multi-channel strategy. Contextually, his ISV sells SAAS/Content, and has been growing, even during the COVID-19 crisis. His team has been eyeing a multi-segment channel strategy, summarized as: Marketplaces: Well-known […]

On Marketplaces & Ecosystems

I am often asked what the difference is between marketplaces and ecosystems. A marketplace is technically a monolithic ecosystem—meaning an ecosystem with a single large player at the center. A clear example of this is Amazon, which sits at the heart of a large marketplace of sellers and buyers. Other examples include Apple’s App Store, […]