Voucher Campaigns are useful to distribute voucher codes to users, either by defining eligibility conditions that users will have to meet, or by using the batch-assign option.

Creating a new voucher campaign
To create a new Voucher Set, click on [+] plus button on the upper right corner of the screen then click on Add Campaign. A modal will be displayed.

Set up tab
Fill in required information.

- Write the Name of the Voucher Campaign you are setting up.
- Select the Voucher Campaign Publisher.
- Select a Start Date, meaning when vouchers will start being distributed to end-users.
- Select an End Date, meaning when vouchers will stop being distributed to end-users.
- Set the maximum number of vouchers per person. This can be useful – when you define multiple rules / eligibility conditions – to avoid distributing multiple voucher codes to the same user when he fulfills multiple conditions.
- Write a description of the Voucher Set if needed.
- Click on Save.
After clicking on the Save button, you will see three new tabs:

Rules tab
Rules will help you define specific conditions that have to be met for vouchers to be assigned and distributed. These conditions are Eligibility Conditions, Approval and Eligible User Groups.
- If you create multiple rules, users will have to meet at least one of them to be eligible to receive a voucher. And therefore, if a user meets multiple rules, he may be eligible to receive multiple vouchers (depending on how the “maximum number of vouchers per user” parameters is being set!).
- When a rule includes multiple conditions (for example, users must complete two learning paths and one assessment), users will have to fulfill all the conditions to be eligible to receive a voucher.

To add new rules, click on the Add Rule button and a new pop-up wizard will appear:

- Select the Learning Path(s) that users must complete to get a Voucher. You can start typing the name of the Learning Path and a list will be displayed for you to select the correct one(s).
- Select the Courses/Assessments that users must complete to get a Voucher. You can start typing the name of the Course or Assessment and a list will be displayed for you to select the correct one(s).
Click on the Next button.

- Select if you want the Vouchers to be assigned Automatically or Manually. If you select the Manual option, you can select the Approver(s) that will review and approve a Voucher assignment to a user. You can start writing the name of the approver(s) and a list will be displayed for you to select the user(s) you want as approvers.
Click on the Next button.

- Choose if all users are eligible (Default) or
- Choose if only certain users or user groups are eligible. If you click on this option, you can choose from a previous list by clicking on the top white box and selecting from the list.
You can also create and upload a new group of users by clicking on the Upload button:

- Select an existing Excel file with the list of users you want to upload by clicking on the Browse button.
- If you do not have an existing Excel file, click on Download Import Template to create a new Excel document with the list of user emails. Open the Import Template in Excel and fill-in the list of target users for the voucher set (insert the email addresses only, no need to populate first name or last name fields). Make sure to keep the first cell (A1) called “Email” (this is the field header).
- Or enter the user emails manually in the bottom box.
- Click on Add Users and close that window.
Finish by clicking on the Save button.
The new rule is now set up.

If you want to edit an existing rule, go to the “three-dots” button, and click on Edit. (Note: you can only edit rules if the Voucher Set is inactive).
If you want to delete a rule, go to the “three-dots” button, and click on Delete. (Note: you can only delete rules if the Voucher Set is inactive).

Vouchers tab
Vouchers allows you to add new voucher codes from the voucher sets.

Click on the plus button and then click on Add Codes from Voucher Set and a new pop-up window will appear.
You will be able to select the set of vouchers to distribute in the current voucher campaign.

At the top of the window, choose the publisher and select the corresponding set of vouchers.
Then you must type the number of vouchers you need to assign.
Once you have completed the above steps, at the bottom you will see the following information:
- Voucher Set Name
- Node Name
- Quantity Used
- Quantity Available
If you need to manually assign a voucher to a user that has not necessarily met the requirements to receive it, click on the plus button and then click on Assign Voucher.

A new window will pop-up.

Fill in the requested information and click on Assign.
Confirms the assignment of the voucher to the selected user.

Manual Voucher Assigning/Unassigning/Re-Assigning
If you need to manually assign a voucher to a user that has not necessarily met the requirements to receive it, look for an unassigned Voucher.
Admin can only assign, unassign and re-assign voucher codes from a Voucher Campaign.
Note: Make sure that the voucher to be manually assigned has not been assigned to another user.
Type the user’s email and full name.

Click on Assign.

When the confirmation message is displayed click Ok or Cancel as appropriate.
To manually Unassign an assigned Voucher, click on the “three dots” option. Then click on Unassign. A confirmation message will ask you if you are sure, click on OK to proceed. The Voucher’s status will change to Unassigned.
To Re-Assign a Voucher, click on the “three dots” option. Then click on Re-assign. Follow the same steps as assigning a Voucher, write the new user’s email and full name. Click on Assign and confirm. The Voucher’s Email field will now change to the new user’s email and the Assigned Date field will appear with the re-assignment date.
Click on Delete to remove a Voucher from the Voucher Set. You can only delete an unassigned Voucher.
Batch-Assign / Re-assign.
Batch assignment allows you to create an excel file through a template which contains the names and emails of the users to whom you want to assign a voucher, and subsequently import them into the platform.

Click on Batch Assign and a new wizard will be displayed.

You can access the Batch Assign template by clicking on Download Import Template.

Click on browse to load from your local device the excel file containing the information or do so by using the Drag & Drop functionality.
Close the wizard and the information will be shown in the list.
Email Settings Tab
On the Email Settings tab you must select the templates that will be sent when:
- A new voucher is assigned to a user (this email will be sent to the user’s email address).
- There is a new Voucher approval request.
- A Voucher approval request is rejected.
- The maximum number of vouchers was exceeded

On the template dropdown menu, choose the template you want to be emailed in each case. Then click on the Save button.
To activate the Voucher Set, click on Activate.

Confirm the activation of the Voucher Set:

Go back to the Voucher Campaign main page and verify that your new Voucher Campaign has been created and its Status is set to Active.

After the Voucher Campaign is created on TIDWIT, users can start receiving vouchers after completing the previously configured Learning Path(s) and/or Content Item(s) and/or Assessment(s).
Voucher Campaign Options
On the Voucher Campaign main page, you will see that each Voucher Campaign has another menu containing more options. You can click on the “three dots” button to display more functionalities.

Click on Edit and you will be directed to the Set-Up page of the Voucher Campaign you clicked on. Use this option if you need to edit the details of the Voucher Set. (Note: You can only edit a Voucher Set if it is inactive. To make the desired changes, you must deactivate the Voucher Set first).
Click on Deactivate to disable the Voucher Campaign if it is activated. This will prevent vouchers added to the campaign from being distributed. After clicking on Deactivate, the status of the Voucher Campaign will change to Pending.
If a Voucher Campaign is deactivated, instead of a Deactivate button you will find an Activate button. Click on it to enable the Voucher Campaign again once you are finished making edits, the Voucher Set’s status will change to Active.
Click on Delete to delete the Voucher Campaign from the platform. This action cannot be reverted so make sure you want to delete a Voucher Campaign before proceeding. A warning box will appear asking if you are sure. Click on Ok to confirm your action.
View Report
Clicking on View Report will direct you to the Voucher Campaign Dashboard. You will be able to see the Voucher Campaign reports and data.