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Using the Search Filters

Click on the left icon of the search bar to open all the available filters. 

You can filter by type (Library, Content Item, Learning Path or Bundle), syndication type (All, Local Content, or Syndicated Content), status (Unpublished, Published, Scheduled for Publishing, Paused or Retired), publisher or language, and by publish, creation, or retirement date.  

If you select Content Items, the Asset Type field will appear to help you with a more specific search.

Select one or multiple filters that fit your search and click on Apply. The selected filters will apply to the search results until you clear them (by clicking the “Clear Filters” link below the search bar). 

In addition to the filters and to make navigation easier, from the ECM window, you can open the navigation tab (next to the home button in the left bar) and select any library from the navigation tree. All its content will be shown immediately on the list. The system will search inside the selected library by default if you search for any specific keyword. However, if you want to explore the entire content catalog, check the “All Libraries” checkbox on the right side of the search bar. 

From here, you can click on the icons next to the library’s name on the left column to create a new Library inside of it or to Delete/Unsyndicate or edit the library.