When navigating through the ECM, you can click on a Learning Path’s or Bundle’s name, and a new pane will display under it. It will show information about the Learning Path/Bundle such as duration, assets amount, publish date, retirement date, ID, and its version. Below you will see a list of the Content Items in that Learning Path/Bundle. Click on a Content Item’s name, or in the Actions column click on the editing button to display the Content Item editing tab. You can also mark a Content Item as required (or not) to the users.
Click on the Add Content button to add content to the Learning Path/Bundle and click on the Edit button to open the its editing tab. If the Learning Path/Bundle’s status is unpublished, click on the Publish button to publish it immediately.
Click on the Preview button to open a preview in a new tab.

Click on the three dots button to see more actions. You can duplicate or delete the Learning Path/Bundle and map it to a new library. To see more about this, refer to the Creating a Learning Path/Bundle manual.