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Creating a New Content Item

To create a new content item from the main ECM window, click on the blue plus icon on the right side of the searching bar. 

When the menu drops, click on Create/Upload Content Item. A new window will pop up with empty fields requiring information about the new content item that will be created. 

Required and optional fields

Fill in all required fields, such as the Title, Publish Date, if the content you are going to create is a URL you also must select the Source Type and insert the External URL.

If the content is a File Upload, you must upload the content using the drag and drop functionality or by clicking on the Browse button.

In both scenarios, you must choose the Asset Type, the Publisher, and the Language of the content.

There are different optional fields to a further description of the content.

Scroll down to the next section.

Tags Section

In this section, choose the tag values that will make the Content Item easier to search & find by the user. The available tags must be created separately using the Manage Tags functionality (see the corresponding documentation).

After selecting the tag values, scroll down to the next section.

Thumbnail Section

Lastly, upload a thumbnail image for the new learning path. For best rendering, the thumbnail should be 700 x 500 pixels, the following formats are supported: (gif, png, and jpg).

Once you have completed the information, click on Save and close the window.

Library Mapping Section

In this section, assign the new content item to an existing library. Click on 3 dots option and select Add to Library, a new window will pop up.

Select the library / Libraries that will contain the new content item clicking on the + (plus) button.

You will see the list of selected libraries and the option to un-map them. You can also opt not to map any library to the new content item.

Close the window.

Retirement Section

In this section, select the retirement date for the new content item Click on 3 dots option and select Retirement, a new window will pop up.

Additionally, check if the content item has replacement or not. If you check Yes, select the content item that will replace it after retirement.

Click on Save to save all changes made to the new content item but keep it unpublished.

Click on Publish to publish the new content item with all its content.

Click on Preview to open a preview of the new content item in a new tab.

Close the window.

Mapping section

Search for the recently created Content Item and go to its three dots button.

You will see some additional actions such as Preview, Edit, Duplicate, Delete, and the options to add (map) the content item to Libraries, Learning Paths or Bundles.